Name of the object: «Astana city waste water treatment plant construction, stage 2».
Stage: Detailed design.
Goals and objectives: Construction of a number of buildings and structures has been performed as part of a detailed design «Astana city Taldykol sewage pond elimination and reclamation. Stage 2.» This caused the increase of waste water treatment facilities in capacity from 136,000 to 254,000 m³ per day
Further, this increase has allowed the following:
- to ensure a nonstop and accident free reception of city waste water in necessary volume considering the capital’s dynamic development and, subsequently, intensive growth of a population;
- to provide 105,000 m³ per day of treated water into the Nura-Yesil canal for Astana’s engineering needs.
Customer: SD «Department of energetics and communal services of Astana.»